Monday, January 3, 2011

It's not always Sunny in Philadelphia (A Lucy Chihuahua Story)

"Don't forget her lunch box. She's going to need that in case she gets thirsty on the ride," Jose reminded Gladys. "And her pink suitcase is packed and ready by the door. I just need to find her Coach purse!"

"Jose, the only pink suitcase by the door is the one I borrowed when I went to Europe for 2 months." Gladys answered.

"Yeah, that's Lucy's."

"I didn't know you packed hers and yours together" Gladys hoped.

"I didn't" Jose said as he struggled down the stairs carrying the old fashioned luggage trunk he'd inherited from his Grandmother along with the rest of the pink suitcase set.

"Jose, we're going to Philly for one night...and you drive a Mini Cooper."

"Well," he huffed as he gasped for air after carrying his luggage down the stairs, "I thought about renting a limo for the ride down, but my Cha Cha Cha with your chihuahua class decided to go on hiatus after Mrs. Sweeny accidentally stepped on little Paco Taco putting him in a cast for 6 weeks. So that was a huge loss of income. Besides, it was a hell of a lot cheaper to get bungee cords and tie it all to the roof."

"I need a cigarette." Gladys said as she dumped her purse out on the floor and searched her belongings for them. She'd been trying to quit, but she ended up chewing Nicorette 6 at a time. Luckily she'd found a Canadian website where she could order it by the gross at a reduced cost. Every once in a while she fell off the wagon and would smoke when things were really stressful. Lately she was down to a pack a day in addition to her Nicorette.

"Maybe you should try the patch?" Jose suggested.

Gladys pulled up her shirt sleeve to reveal 3 patches on her arm. A cardiologist was going to make a lot of money off of her someday.

Lucy came prancing down the stairs and ran out the front door and jumped into her car seat. She was ready. Her daddy had gotten her a part on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" as a stray dog the gang finds outside the bar. Frank decides to use her to pick up women at the park, but it ends up that her beauty attracts only men. Men who love little dogs. She was so excited to be making her television debut. First Philly, then Hollywood! Maybe she'd get to star with Papi and Chloe in a "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" movie. Of course, she'd have to play either their child or Chloe's MUCH younger sister.

The car was packed and they were ready to roll! Gladys was driving because her Daddy hated driving on long trips. Lucy didn't care as long as the got there safely. She wondered if she'd have to paw autographs. Was she going to need an agent? Maybe she should take a nap. She didn't want puffy eyes for her fans.

"I'm telling you, Jose, there's too much weight on the car. I can't even make it up the hill to the traffic light at the end of the street!" Gladys glared. If he packed like this for an overnight, what the hell would he do for a week in Vegas?

"It's fine! Stop being such a drama queen and slam on the accelerator."

"I AM! I'm going 5 MPH!!!"

"So we put the hazaard lights on if we encounter a hill. Besides, once we get on the interstate and get some momentum we'll be fine."

Lucy sighed and settled in for her nap.

They finally arrived in Philly 4 hours later. This was odd since it was usually an hour and a half trip. They'd stopped for gas 6 times and got 2 oil changes. Gladys wasn't happy. They filled up the bell cart at the hotel with their luggage and headed to their room. After dinner Jose thought it would be best to go explore the location of the shoot so they could see how far away it was. The didn't want Lucy to be late tomorrow.

After driving for 4 hours with her foot to the floor, Gladys automatically slammed the gas pedal down and darted out of the parking garage narrowly missing an oncoming taxi that for some reason was covered in feathers. Knowing that the Gayborhood wasn't too far away, nobody gave it a second thought. After getting the car under control and stopping at a stop light, Gladys was just about to light a cigarette when all of a sudden WHAM!!!!

"What the hell was that?!" Jose asked. "My mirror!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jose unrolled his window and saw on the ground a very confused bicyclist with his helmet crooked and his messenger basket empty of the groceries he'd been carrying.

"You hit my car! You hit my car?" confused, Jose looked at his car. "Yeah! You hit my car!!!! How does a dude on a bike not see a purple Mini Cooper?! You broke my mirror!" he yelled.

Lucy barked in anger at the thought of someone damaging her chariot. Clearly scared out of his mind, the guy left his groceries, climbed on his bike and attempted to make a getaway...until the wheel fell off. Then he hung his head in shame and took off at a full run into an alley.

"Want me to stop at Dunkin Donuts?" Gladys asked, knowing exactly how to calm Jose down...extra large, light a sweet and full of caffiene.

They found the location with no problem at all. It was all taped off with a security guard sitting in a booth. Feeling confident for the next morning, they headed back to the hotel for a good night's sleep.

The next morning they arrived right on time for filming. They were shooting in Love Park and Lucy would get to run around and play. Her favorite part was when all the men in pretty shirts with fabulous hair came over and adored her. She was covered in kisses and soaked it all up. After shooting she posed for pictures with the cast and watched as her Daddy swapped phone numbers with all the nice men. Lucy assumed they were agents and talent scouts. Her calendar would be filled in no time.

Everything was going great. Oh! Daddy was talking to someone else now, and what's that? She looked next to the man and saw the most handsome blonde haired puppy stallion she'd ever seen. His fur was so shiny, his eyes danced like saphires on water, and those legs! Ah Cha Cha!!!!

Hey there big boy.

Maybe he could play her love interest in "Beverly Hills Chihuahua: Lucy's story". But right as she was about to approach him Gladys took her and started heading back to the car.

Crap. It's not her fault. Gladys didn't know. She would therefore be saved from the destruction of shoes. Lucy looked back and caught the eye of the god-like canine. "Call me!" she barked, and threw in a wink for good measure. She knew she'd have sweet dreams tonight.

No time like the present for a nap! She snuggled into her car seat and hoped for an extra long ride home.

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